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Identity Collage 

identitycollage- Rios, D.jpg

Screenshot of work

Project Summary 

Screen Shot 2022-12-14 at 11.40.25 AM.png

1.  first i had to take as many pictures with my camera until I was satisfied then I had between them, I then had to import it into the website Adobe Photoshop, then I had to use the object selection tool so the background of my picture can disappear then I started looking for the photos I wanted to use then began to transport it into my picture i used the blend mode so the picture can blend in together and then I was finished with my results.

2. Blend mode was used for the pictures to blend in together and not for them to look like they're overlapping in together. Layer mask where used to adjust the pictures for example you can make them seem the picture is behind your or in front.

3. The pictures I used for my background where some famous artwork this represent my love for art for example you will see the famous painting "the swing" also "starry night"and in my bubble are the thing I love and enjoy some example of that are stuffed animals , where i'm from which Mexico and Mexican Food.

4. Some unsuccessful things about this project are that I didn't finish on time i also  wasn't so sure about the picture i wanted to use or the idea of the project some successful things are that I was able to finish it it was late but at least I finished it, next time I would brainstorm more so i can have the idea when i'm starting a new project and so i can finish on time.

5. I think i'm at the Needs work I because I couldn't finish on time and because it was a challenge for me to complete this project.

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