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~Vector Landscape~

1. The steps I had to take to complete this project were, drawing with the pen to do the mountains, the trees, the bushes. and the clouds. I also needed to use the shape tool to draw the moon and the stars. I didn't need to use the drawing tool but I used it for the birds and the water reflection. I also added some glow for my moon and stars. 


2. they use it by synchronizing the dialogue and motion of animated characters. With Adobe Character Animator, one can use Adobe Sensei AI technology in Character Animation to assign mouth shapes.

3. I decided to do a landscape of just mountains and some trees and bushes. I do think it reached the expectations I set myself because it came exactly how I wanted it to be  

4. I think I'm at the Meets level because I think I did a really good job with this project by putting minimum details.

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